




work experience

motion & graphic designer

freelance • 2015 - present

  • Work with clients and creatives from project proposal to successful project completion in order to deliver outstanding work products
  • Conceptualize and execute creative work ranging from print and website design, to motion graphics, to branding and identity revitalization.



antenna • 2014 - 2015

  • Worked directly with clients and creative director to custom tailor motion graphics exceeding client expectations. 
  • Translated client design needs using current aesthetic and technical trends to improve brand narratives. 
  • Streamlined delivery of work products to various media channels using optimized output formats. 


design intern

studio jaywall • 2014

  • Worked with Jane’s Walk to execute a Toronto-wide TTC media campaign ensuring thousands of participants worldwide. 
  • Worked in a small, collaborative team to build exhibition space and promotional material for Playwalk, resulting in successful promotion at the second annual Gladstone Hotel Grow Op.
  • Recipient of 2014 RDG So(cial) Good Design Award for Not-For-Profit Design.



OCAD University, 2015

Bachelor of Design
Major in Graphic Design